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Specialise in mobile communications, in-car entertainment, satellite navigation and landline communication products. Locations: Cotham 0117 923 2224
Bristol’s leading conference management company with over 20 years experience. We have organised some of Bristol’s most prestigious events and have vast experience in managing UK and international conferences. We can provide as much or as little assistance as you require from delegate registration, name badges, registration staff on site to project management, speakers, sponsorship, exhibitions
Panthers Kickboxing now run four successful clubs around Bristol, each with its own identity but with the common goal of producing excellent kickboxing students. With this commitment of members and staff, Panthers has achieved over twenty British and International Champions, semi and full contact, and have held several successful full contact fight night events.
We supply straight and curved stairlifts plus all other mobility aids, scooters wheelchairs etc. we also specialise in configured power chairs
Floating restaurant with conference facilities. Locations: City Centre 0117 929 0704
  BS6 7PH   View Map Location  
I cannot necessarily make you sing like Sting, Rihanna, Pavarotti, Houston, Dickinson, Gillan or whoever, but I can show you techniques which will improve your performance and perhaps give you the confidence to feel you do sing better than some of those.
Storage services, home moving, international moving services, business moving, industrial services, records management. Locations: Avonmouth 0117 982 1306
Recruitment services, specialising in IT, sales, telecoms, call centre and management positions.
Clothing store and coffee shop, selling mens clothes, womens clothes and baby clothes. Plus accessories, gifts, jewellery and bags. Coffee shop for eat in or take away coffee, tea, juices, snacks, paninis, cakes. On Whiteladies road near to the BBC 0117 973 4870 clothes, clothing, menswear, womenswear, baby clothes, independent, accessories, coffee, cakes, t-shirts, dresses, skirts
Mortgage lender offering: self certificated mortgages, adverse credit mortgages, shared ownership and right to buy mortgages.
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